deadcode4j v1.5 is out! It is available via Maven central, so it is conveniently available for your Maven project.
What's new?
Version 1.5 comes with a ton of new features, nearly doubling the analysis capabilities of deadcode4j: aspects (AOP); Axis & CXF endpoints; a lot of classes being specified in faces-config.xml
files, Spring Web Flow XML files, and Apache Tiles XML definition files; Spring XML Namespace Handlers; Hibernate's GenericGenerator
annotation is considered even more thoroughly; implementations of ServletContainerInitializer
and Spring's flavor, WebApplicationInitializer
- just to name the most spectacular. The full list can be found in the change log.
Given that list, if your project uses no other technologies than Spring, Hibernate, Axis, CXF, JAXB, Castor, JEE, JSF, Apache Tiles, Spring MVC or Spring Web Flow, deadcode4j won't report many false positives. With the customization possibilities deadcode4j provides (subclasses, implementations of an interface, annotations and XML parsing), you will be enabled to easily clean up your code base and get rid of classes that just aren't needed anymore.
How to use
It's so simple: go to the console, navigate to your Maven project, type
mvn de.is24.mavenplugins:deadcode4j-maven-plugin:find ‑Dmaven.test.skip=true
and see what it finds.
Hop on over to GitHub to learn more, browse the code, or contribute.
Looking for reference projects & users
Currently I'm using the big legacy application of my employer as a reference project. But I'm slowly running out of false positives, so my feature list is shrinking. That's why I'd love to analyze some more projects to get more feedback. So, if you know of an (open source) candidate I can analyze or if you are using deadcode4j for yourself and want something added or you have some nice ideas, please comment!
Here you can read how it all started.
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