Sunday, October 13, 2013

deadcode4j v1.2.0 released

Today, I released deadcode4j v1.2.0! It is available via Maven central, so it is conveniently available for your Maven project.

What's new?

Two now analysis modes were added:
  • web.xml files are parsed and each listed servlet, filter & listener is considered to be live code
  • *.tld files are parsed - thus tags, tag extra info classes, listeners, tag library validators & EL functions are considered to be live code

On top of that, if a project uses war packaging the webapp directory is analyzed instead of the project's output directory to catch those web.xml and .tld files. Therefore, the package phase is executed on the fly.
Finally, the plugin now recognizes reactor projects, meaning each listed module will be analyzed by deadcode4j, providing a holistic view over a complex project.

How to use

It's so simple: go to the console, navigate to your Maven project, type
  mvn de.is24.mavenplugins:deadcode4j-maven-plugin:find -Dmaven.test.skip=true
and see what it finds.

Hop on over to GitHub to learn more, browse the code, or contribute.

Looking for reference projects & users

Currently I'm using the big legacy application of my employer as a reference project. This is fine, as I still have a sizable amount of false positives, providing me with a feature list for a couple of more releases. However, I'd love to analyze some more projects to get even more feedback. So, if you know of an (open source) candidate I can analyze or if you are using deadcode4j for yourself and want something added or you have some nice ideas, please comment!

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